Package me.jakejmattson.discordkt.commands

Command builders, events, and functions.


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interface Command
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open class CommandEvent<T : TypeContainer>(    val rawInputs: RawInputs,     val discord: Discord,     val message: Message?,     val author: User,     val channel: MessageChannel,     val guild: Guild?) : Responder

A generic command execution event.

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class CommandSet(    category: String,     requiredPermissionLevel: Permissions?,     collector: CommandSetBuilder.() -> Unit) : BuilderRegister

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data class CommandSetBuilder(    val discord: Discord,     val category: String,     requiredPermissions: Permissions)

DSL used to build a set of commands.

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class ContextCommand(    val name: String,     val displayText: String,     var description: String,     val category: String,     var requiredPermissions: Permissions,     val executions: MutableList<Execution<CommandEvent<*>>> = mutableListOf()) : GuildSlashCommand

A command that can be executed via the context menu.

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data class ContextEvent<T>(    val rawInputs: RawInputs,     val discord: Discord,     val message: Message?,     val author: User,     val channel: MessageChannel,     val guild: Guild,     val interaction: GuildApplicationCommandInteraction?,     val arg: T) : SlashCommandEvent<Args1<T>> , SlashResponder

An event fired by a contextual slash command.

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open class DiscordContext(    val discord: Discord,     val message: Message?,     val author: User,     val channel: MessageChannelBehavior,     val guild: Guild?) : Responder

The discord context of the command execution.

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data class DmCommandEvent<T : TypeContainer>(    val rawInputs: RawInputs,     val discord: Discord,     val message: Message,     val author: User,     val channel: DmChannel,     val guild: Guild? = null) : CommandEvent<T>

An event that can only be fired in a DM.

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class DmTextCommand(    val names: List<String>,     var description: String = "",     val category: String,     var requiredPermissions: Permissions,     val executions: MutableList<Execution<CommandEvent<*>>> = mutableListOf()) : TextCommand

A text command that can only be executed in a DM.

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data class Execution<T : CommandEvent<*>>(val arguments: List<Argument<*, *>>, val action: suspend T.() -> Unit)

The bundle of information to be executed when a command is invoked.

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class GlobalSlashCommand(    val name: String,     var description: String,     val category: String,     var requiredPermissions: Permissions,     val executions: MutableList<Execution<CommandEvent<*>>> = mutableListOf()) : SlashCommand

A slash command that can be executed anywhere.

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class GlobalTextCommand(    val names: List<String>,     var description: String = "",     val category: String,     var requiredPermissions: Permissions,     val executions: MutableList<Execution<CommandEvent<*>>> = mutableListOf()) : TextCommand

A text command that can be executed from anywhere.

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data class GuildCommandEvent<T : TypeContainer>(    val rawInputs: RawInputs,     val discord: Discord,     val message: Message,     val author: User,     val channel: GuildMessageChannel,     val guild: Guild) : CommandEvent<T>

An event that can only be fired in a guild.

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open class GuildSlashCommand(    val name: String,     var description: String,     val category: String,     var requiredPermissions: Permissions,     val executions: MutableList<Execution<CommandEvent<*>>> = mutableListOf()) : SlashCommand

A slash command that can be executed in a guild.

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data class GuildSlashCommandEvent<T : TypeContainer>(    val rawInputs: RawInputs,     val discord: Discord,     val message: Message?,     val author: User,     val channel: MessageChannel,     val guild: Guild,     val interaction: GuildApplicationCommandInteraction?) : SlashCommandEvent<T> , SlashResponder

An event fired by a guild slash command.

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class GuildTextCommand(    val names: List<String>,     var description: String = "",     val category: String,     var requiredPermissions: Permissions,     val executions: MutableList<Execution<CommandEvent<*>>> = mutableListOf()) : TextCommand

A text command that can only be executed in a guild.

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data class RawInputs(    val rawMessageContent: String,     val commandName: String,     val prefixCount: Int,     val commandArgs: List<String> = rawMessageContent.split(" ").drop(1))

Data class containing the raw information from the command execution.

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interface SlashCommand : Command

Abstract slash command representation.

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open class SlashCommandEvent<T : TypeContainer>(    val rawInputs: RawInputs,     val discord: Discord,     val message: Message?,     val author: User,     val channel: MessageChannel,     val guild: Guild? = null,     val interaction: ApplicationCommandInteraction?) : CommandEvent<T> , SlashResponder

An event fired by a slash command.

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class SubCommandSet(    name: String,     requiredPermissionLevel: Permissions?,     collector: SubCommandSetBuilder.() -> Unit) : BuilderRegister

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data class SubCommandSetBuilder(    val discord: Discord,     val category: String,     requiredPermissions: Permissions)

DSL used to build a set of commands.

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interface TextCommand : Command

Abstract text command representation.


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fun commands(    category: String,     requiredPermissionLevel: Permissions? = null,     construct: CommandSetBuilder.() -> Unit): CommandSet

Create a block for registering commands.

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fun <T : Command> List<T>.findByName(name: String): T?

Find a command by its name (case-insensitive).

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fun subcommand(    name: String,     requiredPermissionLevel: Permissions? = null,     construct: SubCommandSetBuilder.() -> Unit): SubCommandSet

Create a block for registering commands.