
interface Command


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open fun <T : CommandEvent<*>> addExecution(argTypes: List<Argument<*, *>>, execute: suspend T.() -> Unit)

Add an Execution to this Command. Called automatically by each execute block. You should not need to call this manually.

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open suspend fun canParse(    context: DiscordContext,     execution: Execution<*>,     args: List<String>): Boolean

Whether the command can parse the given arguments into a container.

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open suspend fun hasPermissionToRun(    discord: Discord,     author: User,     guild: Guild?): Boolean

Whether this command has permission to run with the given event.

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open fun invoke(event: CommandEvent<TypeContainer>, args: List<String>)

Invoke this command with the given args.


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abstract val category: String

The category that this command belongs to - set automatically by CommandSet.

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abstract var description: String

A brief description of the command - used in documentation.

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abstract val executions: MutableList<Execution<CommandEvent<*>>>

The list of Execution that this command can be run with.

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abstract val name: String

The name of this command.

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open val names: List<String>

All names (aliases) of this command.

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abstract var requiredPermissions: Permissions

The permission level required to use this command.


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