
open class DiscordContext(    val discord: Discord,     val message: Message?,     val author: User,     val channel: MessageChannelBehavior,     val guild: Guild?) : Responder

The discord context of the command execution.


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fun DiscordContext(    discord: Discord,     message: Message?,     author: User,     channel: MessageChannelBehavior,     guild: Guild?)


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suspend fun prefix(): String

Determine the relevant prefix from the configured prefix block.

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open suspend fun respond(message: Any = "", embed: suspend EmbedBuilder.() -> Unit? = null): Message?

Create a response message with text and/or an embed.

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open suspend fun respondMenu(menuBuilder: suspend MenuBuilder.() -> Unit): Message

Respond with a Menu.


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val author: User

The User who invoked this command.

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open override val channel: MessageChannelBehavior

The MessageChannel this command was invoked in.

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val discord: Discord

The Discord instance.

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open val guild: Guild?

The Guild this command was invoked in.

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open val message: Message?

The Message that invoked this command.