Package me. jakejmattson. discordkt. arguments
Argument types for parsing command input.
Accepts a message attachment.
An Argument that accepts an Attachment.
Provides autocomplete options to slash input.
The data provided to process autocomplete interactions.
Accepts either of two values. Defaults to true/false.
Accepts a Discord TextChannel entity as an ID or mention.
An Argument that accepts a Channel.
Accepts a DiscordKt command by name.
Accepts a Discord Guild entity as an ID.
Accepts a guild emoji.
Accepts a color in hexadecimal format. The '#' symbol is optional.
Accept a whole number in the int range.
Accepts an integer within a pre-defined range.
Accepts a Discord Message entity as an ID or a link.
An optional argument with a default value.
Accepts a Discord Role entity as an ID, a mention, or by name.
An Argument that accepts a Role.
Consumes all arguments and returns a list of the results (split by splitter character).
Accepts a unicode emoji.
Accepts a Discord User entity as an ID or mention.
An Argument that accepts a User.