
interface StringArgument<Output> : PrimitiveArgument<String, Output>

An Argument that accepts a String.


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open fun autocomplete(choices: suspend AutocompleteData.() -> List<String>): AutocompleteArg<String, Output>

Offer autocomplete options for this argument.

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open suspend override fun generateExamples(context: DiscordContext): List<String>

A function called whenever an example of this type is needed.

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open fun isOptional(): Boolean

Utility function to check that this Argument is an OptionalArg.

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open fun multiple(): MultipleArg<String, Output>

Accept multiple inputs of this Argument.

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open fun optional(default: Output): OptionalArg<String, Output, Output>

Make this argument optional and fall back to the default value if the conversion fails.

open fun optional(default: suspend (DiscordContext) -> Output): OptionalArg<String, Output, Output>

Make this argument optional and fall back to the default value if the conversion fails. Exposes a CommandEvent.

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open fun optionalNullable(default: Output? = null): OptionalArg<String, Output, Output?>

Make this argument optional and fall back to the default value if the conversion fails.

open fun optionalNullable(default: suspend (DiscordContext) -> Output?): OptionalArg<String, Output, Output?>

Make this argument optional and fall back to the default value if the conversion fails. Exposes a CommandEvent.

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open suspend override fun parse(args: MutableList<String>, discord: Discord): String?

Parse string input into the correct type handled by this argument.

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open suspend fun transform(input: String, context: DiscordContext): Result<Output>

Transforms a value produced by a slash command or by the parse function.


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abstract val description: String

A description of the data that this type represents.

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abstract val name: String

The display name for this type in documentations and examples.


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