
data class BotConfiguration(    val packageName: String,     val mentionAsPrefix: Boolean,     val logStartup: Boolean,     val documentCommands: Boolean,     val recommendCommands: Boolean,     val searchCommands: Boolean,     val deleteInvocation: Boolean,     val dualRegistry: Boolean,     val commandReaction: DiscordEmoji?,     val theme: Color?,     val intents: Intents,     val defaultPermissions: Permissions,     val entitySupplyStrategy: EntitySupplyStrategy<*>,     prefix: suspend (DiscordContext) -> String,     mentionEmbed: Pair<String?, suspend EmbedBuilder.(DiscordContext) -> Unit?>,     exceptionHandler: suspend DktException<*>.() -> Unit)

Contains all properties configured when the bot is created.


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fun BotConfiguration(    packageName: String,     mentionAsPrefix: Boolean,     logStartup: Boolean,     documentCommands: Boolean,     recommendCommands: Boolean,     searchCommands: Boolean,     deleteInvocation: Boolean,     dualRegistry: Boolean,     commandReaction: DiscordEmoji?,     theme: Color?,     intents: Intents,     defaultPermissions: Permissions,     entitySupplyStrategy: EntitySupplyStrategy<*>,     prefix: suspend (DiscordContext) -> String,     mentionEmbed: Pair<String?, suspend EmbedBuilder.(DiscordContext) -> Unit?>,     exceptionHandler: suspend DktException<*>.() -> Unit)


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val commandReaction: DiscordEmoji?

A reaction added to the command invocation message.

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val defaultPermissions: Permissions

The Permissions used to restrict command usage.

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val deleteInvocation: Boolean

Delete a command invocation message after execution.

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val documentCommands: Boolean

Generate a markdown file of command info.

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val dualRegistry: Boolean

Allow invocation of a slash command as a text command.

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val entitySupplyStrategy: EntitySupplyStrategy<*>

EntitySupplyStrategy for use in Kord cache.

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val intents: Intents

Additional gateway Intents to register manually.

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val logStartup: Boolean

Display log information when the bot starts.

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val mentionAsPrefix: Boolean

Use the bot mention (@Bot) as a prefix.

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val packageName: String

The detected package name for the bot.

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val recommendCommands: Boolean

Recommend the closest command name to an invalid one.

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val searchCommands: Boolean

Allow command searching with 'search '.

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val theme: Color?

The color theme of internal embeds (i.e. Help).