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In some cases, you may need to collect a lot of information from a user, which makes using commands less feasible. This is where the conversation DSL comes in. It can be used to collect information over many messages instead. Once you start a conversation, the bot will ask a series of questions to a target user and gather the responses. Here is an example conversation:

fun demoConversation() = conversation(exitString = "exit") {
    val name = promptMessage(AnyArg, "What is your name?")
    val age = promptMessage(IntegerArg, "How old are you?")

    respond("Nice to meet you $name! $age is a great age.")

This DSL uses coroutines to prompt for values in "real time" as the conversation is executed. This means that you can process the input immediately after your prompt.


To get input from a user, there are several functions you can use. Most of these blocks accept an Argument, just like a command. This is the type of data you're trying to produce. If the user's answer is not parsed successfully, the prompt will be sent again.

Text prompt

val age = promptMessage(IntegerArg, "What is your age?")

Validating prompt

val age = promptUntil(
    argumentType = IntegerArg,
    prompt = "What is your age?",
    error = "Age must be positive!",
    isValid = { it > 0 }

Embed prompt

val age = promptEmbed(IntegerArg) {
    title = "What is your age?"

Button prompt

val response = promptButton<String> {
    embed {
        title = "Do you like DiscordKt?"
        color = Color(0x00bfff)

    buttons {
        button("Yes", Emojis.whiteCheckMark, "Glad you like it")
        button("No", Emojis.x, "You should let me know how to fix the lib.")

Select prompt

val selections = promptSelect {
    this.selectionCount = 1..1

    content {
        title = "Selection"
        description = "What's your favorite letter?"

    option("A", description = "The first letter", emoji = Emojis.regionalIndicatorA.toPartialEmoji())
    option("B", description = "The second letter", emoji = Emojis.regionalIndicatorB.toPartialEmoji())
    option("C", description = "The third letter", emoji = Emojis.regionalIndicatorC.toPartialEmoji())

Starting a conversation

Once a conversation function is written, you call it to receive your Conversation. From this, you can start it publicly (in a guild) or privately (in a DM).

val result = demoConversation().startPublicly(discord, author, channel)
val result = demoConversation().startPrivately(discord, author)

Both of these functions return a ConversationResult indicating the outcome of the conversation.