
Accepting input into a command can be done using an Argument. An Argument's job is to transform the command input into something that you can use, or to report failure if this transformation cannot be completed successfully. Here is an example of a command that accepts some arguments.

slash("Plus", "A simple addition command") {
    execute(IntegerArg("First"), IntegerArg("Second")) {
        val (first, second) = args
        respond("$first + $second = ${first + second}")

Arguments are accepted into the execute function of a command. This command takes in two IntegerArg arguments, but you can accept any number of arguments of any type.

The action block of the execute function now has access to this input. This input is type-inferred based on the Argument, so there is no need to cast. Since the command accepts two IntegerArgs, the type for our variables (first and second) will be Int. Parsing and validation are handled by the Argument itself. DiscordKt will not allow any values that don't pass the checks provided by the specific Argument.