Package me. jakejmattson. discordkt. extensions
Extension functions to aid in bot development.
A collection of Regex for detecting discord strings
The 3 snowflake elements of a message link.
Enum for discord timestamp styles.
Add an inline field to an embed. Shorthand for the equivalent builder.
Add multiple ReactionEmoji to a Message.
Remove and return the first element in a mutable list.
Checks if this message contains a Discord invite.
Whether this string contains a discord invite.
Whether this string matches a URL regex.
Create a new menu in a message channel.
User entity formatted to a readable String. username#1234 :: <@username>
Disconnect this Member from their VoiceChannel.
Find all invites in this message.
Return all discord invites in this string.
User entity formatted to a readable String. username#1234 :: 123456789123456789
Whether this string is a valid boolean value (true/false/t/f).
Checks if this message is exclusively an image.
Checks if this message mentions a user or role.
Reply to this message with no mentions allowed.
Sanitize all mentions and replace them with their resolved discord names.
Send the user a private string message.
Send the user a private embed message.
User entity formatted to a readable String. <@username> (username#1234)
Convert a ReactionEmoji to a DiscordPartialEmoji.
Convert a DiscordEmoji to a DiscordPartialEmoji.
Convert a Long ID to a Snowflake.
Convert a String ID or mention to a Snowflake.
Convert an ID or mention to a Snowflake.
Convert this long value to a time string.
Unwrap a message link into its MessageParts.