Modify simple configuration options.
import dev.kord.common.Color
import dev.kord.common.entity.Permission
import dev.kord.common.entity.Permissions
import dev.kord.core.supplier.EntitySupplyStrategy
import dev.kord.gateway.Intents
import dev.kord.x.emoji.DiscordEmoji
import dev.kord.x.emoji.Emojis
import me.jakejmattson.discordkt.commands.DiscordContext
fun main() {
* Simple configuration values that don't require a builder.
* @property mentionAsPrefix Use the bot mention (@Bot) as a prefix.
* @property logStartup Display log information when the bot starts.
* @property documentCommands Generate a markdown file of command info.
* @property recommendCommands Recommend the closest command name to an invalid one.
* @property searchCommands Allow command searching with 'search <command name>'.
* @property deleteInvocation Delete a command invocation message after execution.
* @property dualRegistry Allow invocation of a slash command as a text command.
* @property commandReaction A reaction added to the command invocation message.
* @property theme The color theme of internal embeds (i.e. Help).
* @property intents Additional gateway [Intents] to register manually.
* @property defaultPermissions The [Permissions] used to restrict command usage.
* @property entitySupplyStrategy [EntitySupplyStrategy] for use in Kord cache.
public data class SimpleConfiguration(
var mentionAsPrefix: Boolean = true,
var logStartup: Boolean = true,
var documentCommands: Boolean = true,
var recommendCommands: Boolean = true,
var searchCommands: Boolean = true,
var deleteInvocation: Boolean = true,
var dualRegistry: Boolean = true,
var commandReaction: DiscordEmoji? = Emojis.eyes,
var theme: java.awt.Color? = null,
var intents: Intents = Intents.none,
var defaultPermissions: Permissions = Permissions(Permission.UseApplicationCommands),
var entitySupplyStrategy: EntitySupplyStrategy<*> = EntitySupplyStrategy.cacheWithCachingRestFallback,